Sedimentary Rock

Sedimentary Rock = formed with sediments in layers.  Also, by particals. It picks up water, wind, ice, streams and rivers. Then it’s dropped off to a new place. That is the process of weathering. Weathering is very heavy. That is how they are slow. There is similar rock called the the Skeleton rock . It means animal’s body sinks to the ocean. That is also called a fossil. The properties of  Sedimentary rocks are Limestone, SandstoneConglomerate rocks. Limestone is formed at the bottom of the sea. Sandstone is mostly made with quartz. Finally Conglomerate has larger stones and has coarse and chunky spots on it. Some are soft and some are hard. New layers are carried on top of old layers over a long period of time. The weight of the top layers squeeze out the water and air from lower layers. Some have distinct layers. Also some don’t show layers, but it is still Sedimentary. They are formed by many other igneous rocks. They easily break apart. Some uses for Sedimentary rocks are, chalk, bricks, pottery,burnt coal. They contain fossils from the past. All the other sediments are bits of animal material.

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