Properties of Minerals


Luster is another way to identify minerals. The way it identify minerals is when the light reflects of the surface of a mineral. Some minerals have metallic, and some have metallic luster. Some other minerals are dull, glassy, shinny, or greasy. 


Cleavage is a way to classify a mineral. It’s a way how a mineral split. For example mica splits into thin sheets, a calcite splits in to cube-like shape. Quartz only split evenly.


Streak is another way to describe minerals. To be able to identify the mineral, you use a streak plate. A streak plate shows what kind of color the rock or mineral is when scratched.


A mohs hardness scale was discovered in 1812 by a mineralogist named Fredrich Mohs. It is also a property that refers to a mineral to scratch another mineral or be scratched by other mineral.


Colors are another way to describe a mineral. It’s a most striking feature. It is difficult to identify a mineral or a rock because most of the minerals and rocks have the same colors, so you will need the help of luster, cleavage, streak, hardness.

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